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Become an Educational Technology Leader

MS in Educational Technology

The Cal State Fullerton Master's degree in Educational Technology Degree and Certificate in Educational Technology Integration are online graduate programs and a professional community committed to developing teachers and educators alike capable of transforming student lives through innovation and applied research.

Consistently ranked one of the best online graduate programs in Educational Technology.

  ranked one of the best online graduate programs in the country  best online program ranked one of the best online graduate programs in the country Badge image for award for 25 Masters in Instructional Technology from Univeristy Headquarters Website    Image of award for best online online master's in educational technology degree programs of 2024




Ready to apply? 


 Fall 2025 - Cal State ApplyOpens in new window open 

June 1, 2025 - last date to apply 

July 13, 2025 - All official transcripts need to be received by admissions

Visit - CSUF Graduate StudiesOpens in new window for more information


For detailed information about our program, check out our interactive magazine.

Need more information, contact us!

Fast Facts

  • Learn the how and why of using technology in student-centered ways to engage your students
  • Focus on integrating technology into your classroom to help your students meet the CCSS
  • Assignments and projects are directly applicable to your teaching context
  • Combines Educational Technology theory and practice
  • Program has earned the Seal of Alignment for the ISTE Coach Standards
  • Not computer savvy? Not a problem
  • 16-months
  • Completely online  — all our courses are online, interactive, and asynchronous 
  • Cohort-based Model — you’ll be with the same peers throughout the program
  • Make connections with educators throughout the state, region, and other countries!
  • Be recognized as an educational technology leader!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is educational technology?

According to the Association of Educational Communications and Technology, “Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources”. Educational Technology is more than computers and the tools (i.e., technology) that educators and students use. Educational Technology includes the pedagogy and assessments that allows educators to use technology to help their students learn and improve their performance no matter what grade level they are in and no matter what content or skill they are learning. Educational Technology, in the way we approach it in our program, is about improving student learning through best practices in instruction, assessment, and the use of computers and other digital tools and devices. Earning your graduate degree in educational technology from CSUF will help you become an even more effective educator!  

What will I learn in an Educational technology program?

The online educational technology program will introduce you to a wide-range of concepts, ideas, and research that will enhance what you do as an educator. The program is a mixture of theory and practice. You will read research and theory. You will explore current trends and issues in educational technology. We will examine issues related to equity and inclusion and the use of technology. You will consider the role technology plays in your classroom and how it can be best used to meet the needs of your learners. A major goal of the program is to help you take what you learn and experience in the program and make it work for you and your students in your unique context. There are a number of specific topics and content areas that we focus on in the program. The following list includes some of these topics:

  • Distance education and how it enhance what you do in your PK-12 classroom
  • Problem-solving in teaching and learning and how technology fits with problem-solving
  • Making and makerspaces
  • Students as creators
  • Instructional design and how it can help teachers design technology-mediated instructional experiences
  • Design Thinking and how this can be used with students
  • Designing and developing instructional media that can be used by your students
  • Using the Internet for instruction
  • Understanding digital literacy, media literacy, information and communication technologies literacy
  • Managing student privacy and safety in a digital learning Learning theory and learner development
  • Understanding educational research--qualitative and quantitative research
  • Using educational research to make informed decisions that guide our practice
  • Writing a coherent literature review
  • Understanding curriculum design and development
  • Best practices in professional development, informal learning, and teacher growth
  • Writing grants and professional conference proposals
  • Becoming a change agent who can assist other educators with effective integration of technology
  • Developing a professional portfolio to showcase your abilities as an educator who can use technology effectively and who can help other educators do the same (based on the ISTE Coach Standards)

What you may notice missing from the list is specific educational technology tools. Although you will use and see different educational technology tools used throughout the online program, we do not specifically teach you how to use tools. We are more interested in you learning about best practices, the research, and the theory about using educational technology rather than focusing on specific tools. As you know, technology tools change rapidly. And, the tools you have available to use in your teaching environment may be different than what we use. We want you to pick the tools that work best for you and your students. Again, you will certainly use a wide-variety of technology tools and be introduced to many different ones.

What can I do with a graduate degree in Educational Technology?

A graduate degree in Educational Technology will first and foremost help you enhance what you do as an educator. Earning a graduate degree in Educational Technology from California State University, Fullerton will provide you with knowledge and skills that will transform your teaching and the learning of your students. Graduates from our program have remained as elementary, middle school, and high school teachers. Others have moved into leadership positions in their school, school district, and at the county level.  Some have become technology facilitators or technology leads in their school. Others have become digital learning coaches, teachers on special assignment (TOSA), district technology coordinators, and county-level district technology coordinators.We have alumni who work in higher education as technology support specialists, instructional designers, and faculty. Several of our alumni have gone on to work for non-profit organizations focusing on educational technology. Finally, we have graduates who have gone on to doctoral programs (e.g., California State University Fullerton, California State University Bakersfield, Johns Hopkins University, University of Redlands, University of Southern California). These students have indicated that they were extremely well prepared for doctoral level work. A Masters in Educational Technology will position you well for a wide-range of opportunities in teaching. 

How long does it take to complete the online program? Can I go at a slower rate?

The Master's in Educational Technology program is completed in three semesters and a summer. You'll take the following courses all online:

Path to completion
First Semester Second Semester Summer Final Semester

EDEL 511 Survey of Educational Research (full 16 weeks)

EDEL 523 Issues and Trends in Distance Education (1st 8 weeks) 

EDEL 515 Problem Solving and Technology in Schools (2nd 8 weeks)

EDEL 529 Learning Theory (full 16 weeks) 

EDEL 518A Issues in Instructional Design of Software for Use in Schools (1st 8 weeks)

EDEL 518B Multimedia Development and Instruction in the Classroom (2nd 8 weeks)

EDEL 522 Web Design and Instruction in Schools (1st 5 weeks)

EDEL 536 Curriculum Theory and Development (2nd 5 weeks)

EDEL 590 Technology Professional Development in Schools (16 weeks) 

EDEL 594 Final Project (16 weeks)

If you wish to take a slower path for completion, a potential schedule could be:

Slower Path to completion
First Semester Second Semester Summer Third Semester Summer Final Semester

EDEL 523 Issues and Trends in Distance Education
(1st 8 weeks)


EDEL 515 Problem Solving and Technology in Schools
(2nd 8 weeks)

EDEL 511 Survey of Educational Research
(full 16 weeks)


EDEL 529 Learning Theory
(full 16 weeks)

EDEL 522 Web Design and Instruction in Schools (1st 5 weeks)

EDEL 536 Curriculum Theory and Development (2nd 5 weeks)

*Can take one or both

EDEL 518A Issues in Instructional Design of Software for Use in Schools (1st 8 weeks)

EDEL 518B Multimedia Development and Instruction in the Classroom (2nd 8 weeks)

EDEL 522 Web Design and Instruction in Schools (1st 5 weeks)

EDEL 536 Curriculum Theory and Development (2nd 5 weeks)

*Can take one or both

EDEL 590 Technology Professional Development in Schools (16 weeks) 

EDEL 594

Final Project (16 weeks)

Or Consider the  Graduate Certificate in Educational Technology Integration

This certificate is ideal for those that already have a Masters but still want to up your skills with effectively integrating technology in student-centered ways. To earn this certificate in Educational Technology Integration, you may chose 4 of these 5 courses:

EDEL 514 Technology Across the Curriculum (not currently offered)
EDEL 515 Problem Solving and Technology in Schools (typically offered Fall and Spring)
EDEL 522 Web Design and Instruction in Schools (typically offered Summer)
EDEL 523 Issues and Trends in Distance Education (typically offered Fall and Spring)
EDEL 590 Technology Professional Development in Schools (typically offered Fall and Spring)

You have the option of taking two additional courses.
EDEL 518A Issues in Instructional Design of Software for Use in Schools (typically offered Fall and Spring)
EDEL 518B Multimedia Development and Instruction in the Classroom (typically offered Fall and Spring)

If you’d like more information about the Graduate Certificate, please contact us. You go through the application process for the Graduate Certificate in order to apply.

Please note: Financial Aid is not available for the Graduate Certificate in Technology Integration

Do I need to be a classroom teacher?

You do not need to be a PK-12 teacher. You do, however, need teaching experience. It is necessary for you to have access to students and a classroom that you can work in to implement what you are learning and experiencing in the program. We encourage you to talk with us if you are not a PK-12 teacher or if you have what you believe is a unique situation. Contact Dr. Loretta Donovan to discuss your situation. 

What is the cost to attend and how does it compare to other programs?

Cost of Attendance

Not only is our program consistently ranked as one of the best online graduate programs, it is extremely cost effective. It is consistently one of the least expensive Masters in Educational Technology throughout California and the United States. It will be difficult to find a better value for a graduate program. 

cost of attendance  

Cost of Attendance Comparison with other universitites
CSUFOpens in new window
(link to per semester breakdown)
Grand CanyonOpens in new window ConcordiaOpens in new window BiolaOpens in new window National UniversityOpens in new window USCOpens in new window  
Approximately $14,500

Tuition, fees, & books
Approximately $16,500

Tuition only
Approximately $17,500

Tuition & fees only
Approximately $19,700

Tuition only
Approximately $21,000

Tuition only
Approximately $70,000

Tuition & fees only

 Finacial Aid Information

Visit  Student Buisness Services. for information on feespayments, and  financial aid  (where you can apply for FAFSA).

Please Note: Financial aid is not available for the Graduate Certificate in Technology Integration. 


Scholarship Information

For more information on unviersity scholarships and grants are offered through financial aidPDF File

For scholarships and grants specific to the College of Education  see this document for specific scholarships.PDF File

Can you tell me about learning online and the classroom experience?

The Educational Technology program at California State University Fullerton provides a rich and innovative online learning experience for students. You will learn in an engaging, highly interactive distance education environment that connects you with your classmates and faculty in various ways. You will engage in online asynchronous small-group discussions and through synchronous communication tools like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Flip, X (Twitter), Voxer, and more. You will also engage in other technology tools as part of the program like artificial intelligence (AI). This means you're not tackling a rigorous, online master's program on your own. Learning occurs through exploring course content using various media.

You will learn from faculty who are both experts in educational technology, teaching and learning, and in teaching online. Our faculty have experience teaching in PK-12 through higher education. Our faculty have also been educational leaders (e.g., school administrators, educational technology directors, directors of distance education). 

All of this translates into well-designed courses – a blend of theory and research – with real-world application. Research, projects, and coursework address important educational issues that are relevant to you. What you learn today you can incorporate into your classroom tomorrow.

In our cohort-based program, you get to know your peers by taking classes together in a scheduled sequence. Our students value this approach because it facilitates collaboration, problem-solving, and the sharing of professional knowledge that can be brought back and used in their classrooms.  Learning and working with professional peers throughout the program enhances your learning experience. You are able to establish valuable networks that last well beyond the program. We have a vibrant alumni community that provides opportunities for on-going collaboration and support. You have opportunities to engage in local, State, and National conferences. Our students have collaborated with each other and with our faculty to present at conferences, conduct research, publish articles, and collaborate on other types of projects. 

You can expect personalized attention and support throughout the program. Interactive features of our courses and the program enhance access to your teachers when you need assistance. Our students say this is unmatched by anything a traditional classroom offers. Our online graduate program is highly collaborative by design. Those who teach in the program communicate reguarly with each other to support you and to improve the courses and the overall experience. Your teachers will know you and you will know your them. 

In sum, the program is engaging, rigorous, and relevant. You can expect to be pushed and challenged as you examine your teaching practices and how to best support your studnets through the use of educational technology. You can also expect to be supported and treated with care and respect. 

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